Chris D's Flatiron Blog

My blog assignments

React-Redux Portfolio Project: What I Learned

I entered the React/Redux section after a taking real bruising in the JavaScript section, but was happy to see that React was bringing me back to a more declarative type of programming, which focuses on what the program should accomplish without specfying how the program should do that, whereas with Javascript you needed to tell the thing every little detail on how you want something done (imperative programming). Yay, back to software that is smarter than I am! Shouldn’t be too bad!

My JS/Rails Project Battle, Ships!


This one has been quite a journey. When I started the JS section, COVID wasn’t really a thing yet. I entered the section riding on a wave of overconfidence after what I think was a very good Rails app, following my earlier successes with Sinatra and Ruby CLI. I came out of that third project with a solid understanding of Ruby, Sinatra and Rails and was very happy with my progress.

My Rails App: Association Volunteer Manager

Well this has been quite the experience. I’ve been working on my Rails project so long now that we still had restaurants and movie theatres when I started – seems like eternity!

My Sinatra Project - Exoplanet Indexer

Getting from my CLI project to here has been quite the adventure! I knew this course was going to be a lot of work, but even keeping within the hours I assigned myself, keeping up with the schedule I worked out with my student adviser at the beginning has been a real challenge, with my day job becoming more and more challenging all the time, the amount of travel required increasing, and life in general. But I’m here, finally submitting my second project.

CLI Project Development

Well, I think I am finally ready to submit my project. I’ve had a great time developing this little app and come a very long way with my coding knowledge while doing so.